Welcome to Lee County
Mosquito Education!
The Lee County Mosquito Education classroom programs are conducted in collaboration with classroom teachers. Programs are designed for students in kindergarten, 5th grade, 7th grade, and high school chemistry and biology classes. These environmental science programs support Florida’s Next Generation Sunshine State Standards in a variety of areas. Films, readings, slide programs, discussions, art activities and lab experiences are utilized to teach the objectives of each unit. In addition, our instructors are active with local, state, and national organizations devoted to mosquito control and environmental education.

Welcome to Lee County
Mosquito Education!
The Lee County Mosquito Education classroom programs are conducted in collaboration with classroom teachers. Programs are designed for students in kindergarten, 5th grade, 7th grade, and high school chemistry and biology classes. These environmental science programs support Florida’s Next Generation Sunshine State Standards in a variety of areas. Films, readings, slide programs, discussions, art activities and lab experiences are utilized to teach the objectives of each unit. In addition, our instructors are active with local, state, and national organizations devoted to mosquito control and environmental education.
Latest News
Summer News!
With the school year finally at a close, the summer provides a quick chance for the Mosquito Education team to catch up on equipment maintenance, inventory and prepare for another fast approaching August. On July 15th the team traveled to the Imaginarium History and Science Center in Fort Myers where
Friends of Lovers Key Summer Camps!
Registration is open for Lovers Key Eco-Arts Adventure Camp! Your child will enjoy an unforgettable summer, exploring the beaches and mangroves of Lovers Key State Park while learning ecology and environmental stewardship. Morning field trips in the park are followed by afternoon enrichment activities at the new, air-conditioned, Welcome and
Ding Darling Days April 24th Lakes Park, Fort Myers
Join us in 2022 for our annual "Ding" Darling Day@ Lakes Park in Fort Myers SCHEDULE OF FREE ACTIVITIES @ https://www.dingdarlingsociety.org/articles/ding-darling-days
Duval County School Buzzes with Excitement for Mosquito Day!
On Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 Mosquito Control educators visited Mayport Coastal Sciences Elementary School to offer students an unforgettable experience. Professionals from the American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA) provided presentations and hands on activities for students and staff as part of a mosquito education program conducted yearly during the week
2022 STEMtastic Day of Discovery
STEMtastic Day of Discovery is an award-winning STEM event that provides an exciting atmosphere for children and families to experience Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and the Arts. This event allows families the opportunity to participate in high profile indoor and outdoor interactive areas which feature science, technology, engineering, and math-related
20th Anniversary Celebration Saturday December 4, 2021
Join the Lee County Mosquito Education Team and other area organizations as we commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve with a "Sloughbration." There will be fun filled activities throughout the day including specialty guided walks, interactive demonstrations, FGCU Water School, live animals, kid friendly activities,